5 Elements Any Business Website Needs To Be Successful
Web presence is imperative for any business. In this information age we live in, people go online to learn more and get information about your company, and if you don’t have a website this wouldn’t speak well for your business.
Chances are you wouldn’t be taken seriously or regarded as an authority in your field without a website. More importantly, you are going to miss out on traffic and customers that find you via the web. However, just having a website wouldn’t quite cut it; you need to have certain elements that inspire trust and credibility in the eyes of your visitors.
Below we highlight the five elements your business website must have to be successful.
1. Easy to Access Contact Information
It is easy to forget the importance of your contact information behind all those fancy graphics and contents flying around your website, but it is absolutely crucial for any business.
Leaving contact information off your site, or making it hard to find, will diminish your credibility.
You can’t expect your potential customers to do a lot of work to find your contact information.
If you don’t make it super easy to find your contact information and contact you, they’ll leave and find someone else who is easier to contact.
Plus, having reliable and up to date contact information will improve your search rankings in the local search results.
Besides contact information, it can also be helpful to have a profile picture of your team, and even a little bio (if it makes sense for your style of business and industry). This puts a face behind the business and visitors will be encouraged to create a personal connection with your brand.
2. Fresh and Engaging Content
When was the last time you updated your blog and website content?
By having fresh content you show your customers that your business is very much alive and active. Of course, you don’t have to update the copy on your homepage every single month, but there should be one aspect of your site that you update on a regular basis. Plus, maintaining a regular blog will help your website pull in more local traffic.
3. High-Quality Images
The images you use on your website will say a lot about your company. If you’re using outdated stock photos, this will only put a sour taste in your visitor’s mouth and portrays you as a haphazard business who do the minimum to just get by.
To truly connect with your visitors you should have high-quality images, including that of your team and your place of business. This will help to build a relationship with your company.
And please don’t just slap the first image you find on Google straight onto your website.
4. Testimonials & Reviews
Every new visitor to your website subconsciously evaluates your company and try to make a decision about you.
One great way to increase your credibility is to feature customer testimonials. Reading about positive experiences from past clients or customers will let a new visitor know that you can be trusted.
Letting other people brag for you is way more effective than all the talk and good word you put in for yourself. An effective way to feature your reviews is to integrate with a service like Yelp or Amazon customer review if applicable. The more credulity you can provide your visitors, the better.
5. A Clear Call-to-Action
Your website should do much more than giving a web presence. Your website should be goal-oriented, i.e targeted toward a specific action or actions you want your visitors to take.
Are you trying to get your visitor to join your email newsletter? Ask for a Job Quotation? Schedule a consultation or visit your physical storefront with a coupon?
Make sure you make it easy for your visitors to take your desired action with a clear and precise Call to Action.
The importance and benefits of having a solid business website cannot be overemphasized
Include the elements above and your site will shine above your competition.
Any crucial website elements we failed to mention? Share your favorites in the comments below.